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Shiro v1 version notice

As of February 28, 2024, Shiro v1 was superseded by v2.

Apache Shiro uses Atlassian Jira for tracking tasks, feature requests, bugs, and other issues related to the project development.

Usage Guidelines

Jira is provided as a Shiro software development resource. It is meant to be for managing bugs, tasks and improvements in the software itself - it is not a support portal to ask for advice or help. For community advice and help in using Apache Shiro, please visit the Support page.

Prior to using Jira, we ask that:

  • You do your due diligence to ensure a suspected error is actually a bug.

  • You search the issue tracker to ensure what you want to report has not already been reported by someone else.

  • If your problem is actually a bug, we would appreciate it if you could attach a simple JUnit test case that allows us to repeat the problem, so we can fix it as fast as possible.

  • If a unit test is not available (please really try to make one!), attach a stack trace and Shiro’s TRACE or DEBUG log output.

  • If you’ve already fixed the problem, please submit a patch, and we’ll likely include it in the next release.